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What is? (Entities/Activities explained)
Betmar Owners, Inc. is a 501)(C)(7) not-for-profit corporation with an IRS non-profit designation whose purpose is to promote the well-being of and to sponsor activities for Betmar residents. All owner-residents in good standing are considered members of “Owners.”
An elected Board of Directors governs the organization. Meetings are held monthly, except in the summer months. See the “Corporate Meetings” item on this webpage for more information regarding “Owners” meetings. A monthly "General Assembly" meeting of residents is held from October through April. Refer to the “Owners” Bylaws for more specifics.
“Owners” has the power to acquire and control property, however a separate not-for-profit named “Betmar Acres Club” was formed under “Owners” authority to perform that function.
In layman’s terms, you can think of “Owners” as the residents and various Clubs and their activities. The Communications Team, whose primary function is providing information to residents via the Betmar Bulletin, Calendars and Website, functions under the control of “Owners.”
Betmar Acres, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation operating under the “Owners” umbrella. “Acres” is responsible for managing the facilities and common grounds of Betmar. “Acres” is governed by an elected Board of Directors, while the day-to-day operations are managed for “Acres” by an appointed Board of Trustees. Details regarding “Acres” meetings can also be found in the Corporate Meetings section of this webpage and in the “Acres” bylaws.
The responsibilities of the Trustees are described elsewhere on this webpage.
In layman’s terms, you can think of Acres as managing properties, facilities and all salaried employees.
---Provided by bylaw excerpts
Betmar Trustees consist of a group of five individuals appointed by the “Acres” Board for:
-management of Betmar operations
-inventory of park equipment
-enforcement of Betmar rules and regulations
-contract due diligence and administration
-establishing staffing levels of all paid personnel
-oversight of the Betmar Office whose staff assist the Trustees in fulfilling their duties
The Trustees also coordinate with and assist the Properties Chairman regarding the operation and maintenance of the recreational grounds, buildings and equipment.
---Provided by bylaw excerpts
Admin/Meetings: Betmar Corporate Meetings
General Assembly: Always held on the first Thursday of each month (October through April) at 7:00 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. The March meeting is the Annual General Meeting and includes the results of any required elections held that day. Newly elected board members are sworn in and take office at the April General Assembly Meeting
- A meeting for the membership whereby the Board of Directors updates the members on changes or status of the corporation.
- An opportunity for members to exercise their right to vote on corporate bylaws, budget and other legal motions presented to the membership to vote. Renters do not vote.
- It is not a meeting to ask the Board of Directors to vote on something. That is done via a Board of Director’s meeting and members should present then.
- Betmar Owners and Betmar Acres will each have an agenda. The meetings will be conducted with Owners first and Acres to immediately follow.
- Members in good standing, spouses, significant others and renters may attend.
- Only members in good standing may vote or create a motion for vote.
- Members must bring their yellow card/or Pictured ID and check in at the front door in order to receive a voter’s card.
- To speak to a topic, a member must attend the agenda planning meeting held on Tuesday (after coffee) prior to the General Assembly on Thursday.
- It is beneficial to describe the topic so the Board can complete adequate research of governing documents enabling an accurate clarification/answer/discussion.
- Comes to the microphone, states name and address for the record.
- Helps to have his/her presentation written out for the secretary but not required.
The Betmar Owners, Inc. (“Owners”) Board of Directors and Betmar Acres Club, Inc. ("Acres") Board of Directors hold regularly scheduled consecutive meetings on the third Thursday of each month (October through May) at 9:00 a.m. in the Annex of Clubhouse 2. All meetings of the Board are open to residents to observe, with the exception of Special Closed meetings dealing with employee issues or any situation which involves or could result in potential legal action against Betmar.
- Purpose: At these meetings, the Board of Directors review, make decisions and take action on the business of the two corporations.
- To speak to a topic a member must attend the agenda planning meeting held on Tuesday (after coffee) prior to the Board meeting on Thursday.
a. If you or your club or activity or organization wishes the board to consider a request, it must be presented at the workshop enabling the board to consider and research the request in order to vote on Thursday. Your presentation should include details or your request (plans, scheduling, cost, implementation, changes to policy, etc).
b. If it involves Betmar facilities or common grounds, it will be addressed in the Acres portion of the meetings.
No personal attacks of a Board member, trustee, volunteer, or another resident shall be allowed at any meeting. Stick to a topic. If anyone has a complaint about any of the above, it must be a formal written complaint using the complaint forms in Policy 129 (available at the office). Complaints about a Board member or trustee shall be given to the President or Vice President. All others shall be given to a trustee. All complaints are confidential, and everyone deserves confidentiality. All complaints are addressed, and outcome reported to the one filing the complaint.
---Provided by Marsha Frain
HOPA is the “Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995” that allows us to be a “55 and older community.”
Every house must have at least one resident 55 or older AND no one under 45 may permanently live in Betmar.
Under no circumstances may anyone attend school, public or private or be home schooled while staying in Betmar.
To keep us compliant our HOPA records are updated regularly.
What is Betmar Security?
Security volunteers offer non-police assistance to residents of Betmar by:
- Patrolling the streets in the Betmar Security Cart and
- Contacting residents to keep communications open.
- Insuring the Betmar amenities are being used only by residents and their overnight guests.
- Providing safety information to residents.
- Discouraging merchant solicitation.
- Providing security for Betmar Events.
- Assisting with feral injured or lost animals.
- Assisting with lost, found or stolen property.
How do I contact security?
By phone 6 am to 10 pm @ 813-395-3010
The time period of 10 pm to 6 am is covered by PCSO officers who are physically in the park patrolling during these hours and may be reached at 813-679-2587.
If you would like to apply to volunteer, please contact any member of Security @ 813-778-3010 to get an application.
---Provided by Lydia Carson
The ultimate responsibility for the website rests with the Board of Directors. The Communications Department is the link between the two. In the event the Webmaster has questions about an item submitted, he will contact the Communications Chairman, who will take the question or issue to members of the Board of Directors for guidance.
Betmar’s Communications Department is staffed by a volunteer team under the leadership of Chairman Bonnie Coutz. The Communications Team maintains the Betmar Calendar and prepares/publishes the monthly Betmar Bulletin for the months of October thru April. In addition, this group supports the Clubs Corporate entities and various others in Betmar with the design and printing of posters/flyers, tickets and programs for various entertainment events, meeting notices, score cards, etc… In terms of talent and capabilities, they surpass that found in many large corporations. The Communications Office is located in the rear of Clubhouse 2 and may be contacted at 813-779-2843 or by e-mail at
Please refer to this page’s How Do I section for instructions for requesting specific products from the Communications Team.
---Provided by Bonnie Coutz
Admin Communications: Betmar Communications - Calendar
The Betmar Activities Calendar is produced by the Betmar Communications team of volunteers and is issued monthly. It is distributed to Betmar residences along with the Monthly Bulletin.
The Calendar includes a listing of scheduled activities in the park. Each listing includes date, time and location of the event. A majority of our residents rely on the Calendar for this information. The Calendar lists recurring and one-time events and is based on careful review of events advertised in the Bulletin and on input from various Clubs and individuals.
Each month, the proposed Calendar is made available for review by club members. Please check your event listing, note necessary changes and initial the entry so Communications knows you have checked.
---Provided using input from Communications
Betmar obtains and provides information on preparing for a hurricane to Betmar residents. Officials update the list of available Pasco County hurricane shelters as our Clubhouses are not certified shelters and, if used by residents, they do so at their own risk. The general policy is to lock up all Clubhouses until after danger has passed. Administrators also make sure that services are available after a hurricane which might render homes uninhabitable or without utilities.
Updated information regarding hurricanes is maintained on a special bulletin board in Clubhouse 2.
The Betmar Pictorial Directory is a professionally prepared booklet of photographs of residents and renters. It also contains photos of various Club Activities. The Pictorial effort is sponsored by a Betmar Club every five years. The Pictorial is a great tool for putting a face with a name. There is no charge to have your picture included and each participant is provided a free 8x10 print.
The 2019/2020 Pictorial was sponsored by the Betmar Chorus and coordinated by the club’s dedicated volunteers.
---Provided by BAD Carroll
Betmar’s chefs and their volunteers serve up wonderful comfort food during most months from November through April. The food rivals what is offered at most restaurants and the meals serve as the perfect opportunity to meet people whether you are there to eat or to volunteer. Normal attendance at each of these meals runs from 600 to 700 people served.
Funds realized from these meals go directly to Betmar Owners which means while you are enjoying a great meal and meeting new friends you are decreasing the annual assessment fees considerably.
The “Betmar Dinner” is generally held on the 3rd Thursday of the month (December - March) and features full course dinners such as pot roast, turkey, shrimp, baked pork and Chicken Cordon Bleu. The dinners include a starch, fruit or salad, dinner rolls, beverages and dessert – all for a nominal donation. Advance tickets are required and are sold at Coffee Hours and the Betmar Office.
The meal is served from 4:30 to 6 PM, with take outs from 4:30-on. Many residents take advantage of take outs for the elderly, their neighbors or for group gatherings.
Dinner contacts
Dinner coordinators: Dave & Cindy Godfrey
Kitchen volunteer coordinator: Joanne Lavere
Dining area volunteer coordinator: Cindy Godfrey
---Provided by Bonnie Coutz
Betmar’s chefs and their volunteers serve up wonderful comfort food during most months from November through April. The food rivals what is offered at most restaurants and the meals serve as the perfect opportunity to meet people whether you are there to eat or to volunteer. Normal attendance at each of these meals runs from 600 to 700 people served.
Funds realized from these meals go directly to Betmar Owners which means while you are enjoying a great meal and meeting new friends you are decreasing the annual assessment fees considerably.
The “Fish Fry” is generally held on the 2nd Friday of the month (December - March) and features baked or deep fried haddock dinners. The Fish Fry dinners include a baked potato, coleslaw, dinner rolls, and beverages – all for a nominal donation. Advance tickets are required and are sold at Coffee Hours and the Betmar Office.
The meal is served from 4:30 to 6 PM, with early take outs beginning at 4:00 PM. Many residents take advantage of take outs for the elderly, their neighbors or for group gatherings.
Dinner contacts
Dinner coordinators: Dave & Cindy Godfrey
Kitchen volunteer coordinator: Joanne Lavere
Dining area volunteer coordinator: Cindy Godfrey
---Provided by Bonnie Coutz
Shuffleboard Club sponsors a Shuffle Lunch during all tournaments and four park events. A wide variety of food is prepared by volunteers and is served in Clubhouse 2 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.. The menu varies but items can include delicious soups, sandwiches, grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, chili, sloppy joe, baked potatoes, salads, Jell-O and wonderful homemade desserts. These yummy desserts are donated by the players and park residents and greatly appreciated. All items are available a la carte and priced very reasonably. These lunches are provided for the players, but all Betmar residents and guests are encouraged to attend. Even those outside the park are welcome so spread the word. Many residents would not think of making lunch at home on Shuffle Lunch days.
---Provided by Verna Goguen
The Betmar Coffee Hour takes place, in Clubhouse 2, every Tuesday at 9 AM. It is widely attended and provides an opportunity for residents to be updated on events and happenings in the park. Coffee, tea, doughnuts and/or raisin toast are available for a $2.00 donation. Attendees fill the main hall and its Annex, so tables are called to be served in random luck-of-the–draw order. Newcomers quickly learn to bring their dollars and wait until their table is called before getting their coffee and doughnuts. The event is coordinated by the Activities Committee while different groups of volunteers help with serving the coffee and donuts.
---Provided by Michelle McKinnon
The Betmar Chorus Club promotes group singing for personal enjoyment as well as entertainment at several major Betmar functions.
Like to sing in a group setting? The Betmar Chorus is the outlet you are seeking. Our lively bunch meets weekly for rehearsals. NO AUDITIONS REQUIRED. Only a love of music and its ability to brighten peoples’ lives is needed.
We provide music for the Christmas tree lighting in December and perform hymns for the Memorial Service in January. The Spring Concert in March (the 48th in 2020) is the culmination of our program each year.
Chorus provides a monthly update of its many activities in the Betmar Bulletin
Join us on Mondays at 12:45 PM at the Annex of Clubhouse 2. Come to any rehearsal or contact any Chorus Club officer if you have questions.
Additional details and contact information can be found on our web page at
---Provided by Bernie Novak.
The Betmar Craft Fair is held a week or two before Thanksgiving. It is a fun time when our Betmar Crafters and Artisans and some outside crafters get together to sell their crafts over a two-day period. Table spaces are rented for a very reasonable rate and are half-price for residents. Details for registering are provided on flyers and in announcements preceding the event.
--- Provided by Judi Gearsbeck
Golf at Betmar is managed by the Golf Club. Three 9-hole courses are maintained and enjoyed by club members and their guests. Specifics regarding events, points of contact and fees can be found on the Betmar website’s “Clubs” section or by selecting this link:
Golf Club membership forms are available at the Golf Clubhouse. Payment must be made in cash or by check. Credit cards are not accepted.
---Provided by Tom Brown
Tom Brown coordinates set-ups for the major events in Clubhouse 2 and the Annex. This is a perfect example of “many hands making light work.” Taking down and setting up tables and chairs can be a lot of work, but it is easily and quickly done when a group takes it on.
Volunteers are requested from the various blocks in the park from October through April. The specific block assignments are posted in the monthly Betmar Bulletin. If you are not sure of your block, block maps are posted or available in many locations, the most available being the centerfold of the park Telephone Directory.
The weekly Coffee News lists dates and times of specific set-ups.
The Tennis and Pickleball courts are located behind the Apache Clubhouse. The courts are available for use by members of the Tennis/Pickleball Club. For more information, see the club’s web page at
---Provided by Tom Brown
Activities: Thomas Promise
Thomas Promise is a local charity that provides meals and snacks to Pasco county students in need, so that they don't go hungry over the weekend. The Thomas Promise Foundation had its genesis when area auto dealer Wade Thomas decided to recognize and assist his daughter Brooke who was giving her school lunches away to needy students.
Today, the program is funded through grants and donations from businesses, individuals and local groups, as well as from the proceeds generated by the Rattlesnake Festival, which it sponsors. A large group of volunteers sort the food and pack the meals every week. As of this writing, 1,500 bags containing six meals are delivered weekly to 27 area schools and provided to students who are vetted by their schools. The number of students served increases each year.
Betmar has unofficially adopted Thomas Promise and supports it with food donated by residents and cash contributions from events throughout the year. A donation box is available at the office as well as on the stage during Coffee Hour. Bins for food donations are located on the east wall of the Clubhouse 2 Annex.
Individual, non-perishable meal items such as the following are most greatly appreciated: boxes of mac and cheese; cans of Spaghetti-os, ravioli, etc.; Ramen noodles; packets of instant oatmeal; individual (non-refrigerated) puddings, fruit cocktail, applesauce, Jell-O, fruit gummies, Roll-ups, etc.
Find out more by visiting
---Provided by Zephyrhills News feature & Darlene Paine
The three-day What-Not Sale is Zephyrhill’s largest “garage” sale. Items collected at the What-Not Barn during the year are boxed up and set aside for this sale on the second weekend of February. Items are displayed and sold in Clubhouse 2, the Annex, Shuffleboard Court, What-Not Barn and the large maintenance vehicle storage building. The sale involves hundreds of volunteers and is one of Betmar’s largest single event functions. The sale is open on Thursday morning for What-Not volunteers and in the afternoon for all park residents. On Friday and Saturday, the sale is open to the public. On Friday and Saturday, special parking and security details are required to control the crowd. For questions, contact Tom or Dee Brown at 602-978-9250 or 603-534-3304 respectively.
---Provided by Tom Brown
The Pre-Christmas Sale is held on a Saturday before Thanksgiving. It is a smaller version of the huge January sale and is held in Clubhouse 2. This sale features primarily Christmas decorations and other holiday items that have been collected all year long. It is open to the public. For questions, contact Tom or Dee Brown at 603-978-9250 or 603-534-3304 respectively.
---Provided by Tom Brown
The What-Not Barn is located in the old maintenance building behind Clubhouse 2 and is operated under the purview of the Golf Club. It is run by volunteers who will accept your used items ranging from furniture, appliances, clothing, etc... Items are checked out to be in good/working order and placed on display for residents to purchase at very reasonable prices. Retail space is limited, so items that do not move quickly are boxed up and set aside for a huge sale in February. The Barn is open Friday mornings from 9 to noon for most of the year. From early November until after the sale in January, the Barn is open 9 to noon on Tuesday and Friday. Pick-ups can be arranged during these hours, although you are encouraged to bring your items in if at all possible. Renters are encouraged to use the Barn as well. For questions, contact Linda Bentz at (c) 231-268-6681.
---Provided by Linda Bentz
The Annex is not a separate building. It is the space that is behind the stage of Clubhouse 2. The Annex is used as:
- overflow seating for events in the main hall such as large gatherings and Bingo
- meetings of smaller groups (e.g., Board of Director Workshop meetings, Club meetings)
- choir rehearsals
- sale of tickets during Coffee Hours
- doughnut service during Coffee Hours
- Fun Darts and League Darts
---Provided by Tom Brown
“Scentral Park” is located on the Apache Junction golf cart trail between Lakewood Drive and Apache Street. It is operated by Betmar Acres and can be used by residents, renters and guests.
During part of the day, hours of operation are organized by dog size. Rules regulating the park’s use and hours of operation are posted at the park.
For additional details, see
---Provided by Tom Brown
The Betmar Library is a lending library for residents located at 5034 Betmar Drive. Additional details can be found at
Stop by the Betmar Library and the volunteers there will register you and provide you with a library card with your account number. There is no charge for registering or for drawing out books.
---Provided by Toni Nelson
Cardboard is no longer collected/recycled by a Betmar club. The cardboard dumpsters have been removed. Cardboard can be placed curbside with other recyclables.
---Provided by Tom Brown
As of 2021, newspapers are no longer collected for recycling behind Clubhouse 3. Please place your newspapers in your curbside recycling bins.
The Shuffleboard Club sponsors an aluminum recycling facility behind the shuffleboard court. Any aluminum item can be dropped off at any time of day. There is a special receptacle for aluminum cans. Cans do not need to be crushed, however if you crush them, they will not have to.
---Information provided by Randall Gearsbeck
Trash can be taken to the county transfer station on Handcart Road or picked up curbside by contracting with Waste Connections (352) 583-4204. Waste Connections collects trash every Monday and Thursday and recyclable items every Wednesday. The company has stopped taking glass in their recycling program. Glass should now be deposited in with regular trash. Detailed information regarding the county’s recycling program can be found at
---Provided by Tom Brown
How do I?
The monthly Betmar Bulletin is published by the Betmar Communications Team. Articles can be submitted electronically or brought to the Communications Office which is located behind the Annex in Clubhouse 2. Monthly deadlines for article submission are well advertised in the Monthly Calendar, Bulletin and at meetings.
Specific details regarding article submission are provided in this handout.
---Provided by June Wentworth
The monthly Betmar Bulletin is published by the Betmar Communications Team. Many events are promoted in the Bulletin and may also be accompanied by a quarter page ad. The ads are typically prepared in conjunction with the design and printing of a flyer for the event. The form used for ordering a flyer contains a checkbox which is used to request an ad.
---Developed from Communications Team docs.
Items such as flyers, tickets, programs and other printed materials are provided by the Betmar Communications Team. The Communications Office is located behind the Annex in Clubhouse 2. Forms for ordering such items are available in the Communications Office lobby.
Specific details regarding printing requests are provided in this handout.
---Provided by June Wentworth
Administration, facility and club Points of Contact and their phone numbers are provided in the monthly Bulletins, the paper copy Owner's Resident Directory (aka phone book) and on the web-based on-line phone Directory.
---Provided by Tom Brown
The annual Betmar Directory is a compilation of names, addresses and phone numbers for all park management personnel, club officers and owners. It also contains a copy of the Rules and Regulations and a map of the park. Copies of the Directory are available at the office. One complimentary copy is provided to each owner on request. Additional copies are available for $1.
A searchable and sortable version of the Directory is available on the Betmar website.
---Provided by Linda LaFayette
We all know how difficult it can be to put a name with a face in our large community. For this reason, nametags are universally worn at most Betmar functions. Some prefer a pin type name tag, while others like the newer magnetic style. To order a nametag, contact the Betmar Office.
The Betmar Sound Team of volunteers is available to meet your sound needs. Their equipment and talents are equal to that found in large entertainment venues. The list of Sound Team members and their contact information can be found in the hard copy phone book and in the Community section of the online Phone Directory.
The typical way to order equipment is by filling out a form that is available outside the Sound Booth in Clubhouse 2.
---Provided by Tom Brown
Building usage is coordinated by Betmar Activities. Reservation requests for the following spaces are handled by the Activities Chairperson:
- Clubhouse 2 and Annex
- Clubhouse 3
- Apache Clubhouse
- Gazebo (next to the pool)
- Pavilion (adjacent to the Shuffleboard Court)
For use of these spaces, submit a Betmar Clubhouse Reservation Form to the Activities Chairperson. Requests are handled on a first-come basis. Forms are available in the Bulletin bookcase near the entrance to Clubhouse 2 and by clicking here.
Usage of spaces in the Golf Clubhouse is controlled by the Golf Club.
---Provided by Tom Brown
All pool members are provided a personal fob for entering and exiting the pools. Memberships run from April 1 through March 31. An Application for new/renewal membership will be included in March Bulletin. Applications will be accepted each Tuesday in March prior to coffee in the Annex or any time at the Betmar Office.
Detailed information regarding the swim club can be found on website at
---Provided by Jackie Giesler
Water Aerobics are open to any pool member. The hours are as follows:
Oct through May
Mon, Wed & Fri: 10:30-11:30
Mon & Thu: 2:30-3:30
June through Sept
Mon, Wed & Fri: 9:00-10:00
---Provided by Jacke Giesler
Laurie Black collects used US flags and saves them for proper disposal. Following are instructions for dropping off a flag and some background information on how it will be disposed of. We thank Laurie for providing this information.
Process for dropping off flags:
- Fold flag into a square so it takes up less space. (does not have to be a proper fold)
- Deposit flag in the box on Laurie’s carport at 36911 Grace Ave from September 5th to April 30th. (I am currently not in residence for May - Aug and bring the box inside so it does not blow away).
- The box is emptied as it fills and starting in January we meet to prepare the flags for disposal.
- The ceremony is open to the public and it will be announced each year as to when and where.
The local Zephyrhills chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is the organization that is disposing of the flags. Each year on Presidents Day (in Feb) we have a Flag Disposal Ceremony.
Once the flags have been collected, we remove the grommets, the blue field of stars is cut away from the stripes (once this is done it is no longer a proper flag.). We cut the stars out of the blue field and attach them to a card made to distribute the stars to veterans and their families as a remembrance of their service to our country. When we did the Vietnam Veterans pinning ceremony last fall we distributed a star or more to each veteran that was present.
Please note: we are in need of monetary donations to keep this program going. It costs out chapter over $1,000.00 to do this each year. We must rent the canopies and chairs for the guests to sit on/under. We always provide cookies and punch for after the ceremony so any and all donations would be appreciated.
The Fire Dept is usually there (if they are not out on a call) to prevent the fire from spreading. The fire is tended by one or more of our members as long as there are active flames. The next day the ashes are collected and then distributed over the graves of known veterans.
There is always a short ceremony by our membership that highlights the US Flag and its meaning. This year we honored all the known wars in which the US participated - there were 13 of them (I did the Korean War) we each told a bit about our assigned war - when it was - any memorable moments from the war, etc. People usually learn something they did not know before they leave.
The US Flag Code is reviewed to explain why we do what we do.
The VFW is always present to do a 21-gun salute and playing of TAPS at the end. (one of our residents Scott Krumholtz is a member of the local VFW).
In 2024, we were able to properly dispose of over 525 flags. That is quite an accomplishment. (Flags are not just from Betmar but from wherever our membership lives. We have volunteers from our park (4 this year - Dennis Black, Glenn Loding, Richard Heon and Scott Wachsmuth) to help with putting the flag bags on the fire.
Info provided by Laurie Black
The WWW.BETMAR.ORG Website is a free and open site available to literally anyone in the world for viewing. However, posting things such as Classified Ads is restricted to Betmar Resident Owners or Renters. The site is easy to navigate from the main page, with a "Home" button at the top of every page to get you back to the "Home Page" should you get lost in all the great information.
Betmar Classified Ads can be placed by any Betmar resident, but are available to be viewed by (literally) the entire world.
From the Main Betmar Home Page, simply click on the Classified Ads ICON, to place your ad. Please be sure to include your contact information in your ad. Many many many people forget this as they just put contact information on the request form...not the same. Ads can be placed for buy or Sell items, Rentals, Free Items, or want ads. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR PLACING AN AD IN THE BETMAR CLASSIFIEDS.
Ads will run for three weeks, unless you contact the Webmaster and request your ad be pulled or extended.
Here's a direct link to the Classifieds, Click........HERE
Hundreds and Hundreds of Betmar residents get regular emails form the Betmar Webmaster (Barry Mohlman) to provide them with direct links to important site updates, Tuesday Coffee Updates, Security Alerts, Hurricane Info, and other great information to help you navigate the tons of activities happening here at Betmar. The registration form is available at the top of the home page immediately after clicking the "click to begin" button. OR.. while you are reading this, simply click HERE to open the registration form. You do need to be a Betmar Resident to register for these emails.
The top of every web page has a "Contact Us" button at the top. From within the contact page, on the right hand side you will find button titled, "Click Here to Contact the Webmaster". This will open a form that will send an email directly to the Webmaster. Please note that many notices need to be approved by either Betmar administration or administration of the particular organization. For example, the president of the Aquatic Club can ask that pool notices be sent out without any additional approval.
We need to be careful with sensitive items such as Death Notices, so sometimes your notices may take longer than you had expected to get out. When in doubt, feel free to call the Webmaster direct at his phone number listed at the bottom of every email he sends out.
The answer to this question really depends on what you are submitting photos for.
Classified ads have an option to submit up to two photos at the bottom of the Classified Ad Request form. Classified ads are limited to only two photos.
At the top of every Betmar Webpage, is a “Contact Us” link. This link provides an option to “Contact the Webmaster”. The following form (like the Classified ads form) allows up to two attachments…. photos could be these attachments.
When in doubt, you can just email the Webmaster directly at and attach photos to your Email. If doing this, be sure to explain the photos, and what your purpose is of submitting them. Random photos Betmar related will be placed in the Betmar Showcase Photos section.
Still have questions? Contact the Webmaster at