
DART Board



Our Season Runs:                   
Team darts WednesdaysFall session November and December. Winter session January – March 6:30 in the annex.
Fun darts: Year round Tuesdays at 6:00pm in the annex.

Meeting Schedule: 
Monthly meetings will be the 2nd Wednesday at 5:30.

Cost  of Membership (Dues):     Dues are $10.00 per year and covers all Dart Activities

Contact Information:          Cindy Cutter (208) 249-0308

Our Mission/Purpose:       Our mission is to provide Betmar residents an opportunity to come together and enjoy playing and learning the game of Darts.

Activities/Special Events:     Besides our weekly games, we have an annual Christmas party and an “End of Season” potuck including awards presentations.

Other Information:    Dart membership is from November 1st to October 31st. You can sign up with Judy Powell or use the forms in the black box on the wall by the dart bulletin board.

Club Officers

President                             Cindy Cutter

Vice President                       Ron Bergstrom

Secretary                                Marie Finch

Treasurer                              Linda Bergstrom      

Membership                       Judy Powell

Correspondence                   Judy Powell

RECORDS SECRETARY              Judy Powell